Jedes Jahr die selbe Prozedur, welche ETFs sind weiterhin noch Premium Sparpläne und welche ETFs fallen hinaus? Nicht wenige Flatex Kundinnen und Kunden wollen sich die 1,50 Euro Ausführungsgebühren sparen und setzen somit auf Premium ETFs bei denen diese pauschale Ausführungsgebühr von 1,50 Euro nicht anfällt. Das Problem dabei? Oftmals wechseln diese Premium ETFs zum Jahreswechsel und damit müsste man sich erneut einen neuen ETF suchen, wenn man dem 0 Euro Sparplan-Fetisch gänzlich unterliegt.
Das Flatex Angebot selbst:
- 0,00 Euro Depotgebühren für Aktien, Anleihen und ETFs (evtl. Gebühren für ADR, GDR und XetraGold)
- 0,00 Euro Kontogebühren
- 1,50 Euro Ausführungsgebühr ETF Sparplan (zuzüglich Spread, Produktkosten, etwaige Rückvergütungen für den Broker)
Sind 1,50 Euro Ausführungsgebühr viel? Gibt es Alternativen?
Diese 1,50 Euro Ausführungsgebühr für einen ETF Sparplan werden aufgrund spezieller Deals zwischen den verschiedenen Emittentinnen der ETFs und Flatex gestrichen – bis auf weiteres. Dieses bis auf weiteres passiert meist zum Jahreswechsel. So kann es sein, dass aus einem Premium ETF ohne 1,50 Euro Ausführungsgebühr es keinen Premium ETF mehr gibt und somit die 1,50 Euro Gebühr anfallen. Wechselt man stets auf einen Premium ETF so gibt es sehr bald einen richtigen ETF Zoo, jedes Jahr einen neuen ETF ansparen?
Ob die 1,50 Euro pauschale Gebühr viel oder wenig ist, hängt natürlich von der Sparplan Rate ab. Die Mindestrate liegt bei 25 Euro. Bei 25 Euro Rate sind 1,5 Euro an Gebühr sofort 6 % an Kosten je Ausführung. Hier würde sich eine quartalsweise Ausführung anbieten mit 75 Euro. Somit wären die Kosten dann weiterhin bei 1,50 Euro was so aber „nur noch“ 2 % an Gebühren ausmacht.
Hier der Vergleich der Flatex Kosten bei einem Sparplan im Vergleich zu anderen, steuereinfachen Brokern:
Alternativ könnte auch ein anderer Broker überlegt werden. Die DADAT Bank als auch die easybank bieten attraktive ETF Sparpläne an zu niedrigen Kosten als auch mit viele attraktive ETFs ohne Ausführungsgebühr. Zudem gibt es Aktionen für Neukundschaften mit keiner Depotgebühr bis z. B. Ende 2029. Ob sich ein anderer bzw. weiterer Broker hier lohnt ist eine höchst individuelle Entscheidung. Mehr Informationen mit detaillierten ETFs von der easybank bzw. DADAT Bank dazu weiter unten nochmals.
Detaillierte Analyse der Premium ETFs
Hier gibt es nun eine detaillierte Analyse jener ETFs die nun weggefallen sind, hinzugekommen sind und welche weiterhin als Premium ETF bei Flatex gelten. Natürlich immer bis auf weiteres.
Hier bei Flatex gibt es die aktuelle Liste zum Herunterladen.
- 460 davon blieben gleich,
- 199 ETFs sind rausgefallen und
- 54 ETFs sind neu hinzugekommen.
Knapp über 500 sind weiterhin Premium, das heißt ohne Ausführungsgebühr von 1,50 Euro. Spread, Produktkosten und Rückvergütungen fallen natürlich weiterhin an.
Wichtig: Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!
- Die gesamte Liste gibt es hier zum Filtern: Die Premium Sparplan Liste (Vergleichsliste stammt von September 2024)
Ganz unten gibt es natürlich auch den Link zur Liste auf, wo Flatex die aktuellen Premium ETFs listet, aber nicht bekannt gibt, welche hinzugekommen bzw. weggefallen sind.
Entfernte ETFs – keine Premiums ETFs mehr mit 2025
Welche Emittentinnen sind denn rausgeflogen aus dem Premium Sparplan ETFs? Vor allem jene von Xtrackers sind hinausgeflogen.
- Xtrackers: 155 ETFs
- Invesco: 42 ETFs
- Amundi: 2 ETFs
Besonders schade ist es für viele wohl, dass die erst neuen Invesco FTSE All-World ETFs rausgeflogen sind und für diese somit wieder die 1,50 Euro Sparplangebühr fällig wird. Auch von Xtrackers sind die World ETF
- IE000716YHJ7 Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF USD Accumalation
- IE0000QLH0G6 Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF USD Distribution
- IE00BJ0KDQ92 Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1C
- IE00BK1PV551 Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1D
LU0838782315 | Xtrackers DAX ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0274211480 | Xtrackers DAX UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000WQ16XQ4 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield ESG UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00B23D8X81 | Invesco FTSE RAFI Europe UCITS ETF |
IE000TI21P14 | Invesco MSCI Europe ESG Climate Paris Aligned UCITS EUR Acc |
IE000VMAR5O6 | Xtrackers Europe Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF 1C EUR Acc |
IE0001JH5CB4 | Xtrackers Europe Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
IE000N9MLVT1 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Climate Transition UCITS ETF 1C EUR |
LU0322253732 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BFMNHK08 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0274209237 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1242369327 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0486851024 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Value UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0328475792 | Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2581375156 | Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BZ4BMM98 | Invesco EURO STOXX High Dividend Low Volatility UCITS ETF |
IE000Y6L6LE6 | Xtrackers EMU Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF 1C EUR Acc |
LU0380865021 | Xtrackers Euro Stoxx 50 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0274211217 | Xtrackers Euro Stoxx 50 UCITS ETF 1D |
IE000W6L2AI3 | Xtrackers MSCI EMU Climate Transition UCITS ETF 1C EUR |
IE00BDGN9Z19 | Xtrackers MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BNC1G699 | Xtrackers MSCI EMU ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000VCBWFL8 | Xtrackers MSCI EMU High Dividend Yield ESG UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0846194776 | Xtrackers MSCI EMU UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0292097747 | Xtrackers – Xtrackers MSCI UK ESG UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0292097234 | Xtrackers FTSE 100 Income UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0838780707 | Xtrackers FTSE 100 UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000HT7E0B1 | Xtrackers Nordic Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000NS5HRY9 | Xtrackers MSCI World High Dividend Yield ESG UCITS ETF 1D USD Income |
LU0292096186 | Xtrackers Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100 Swap UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2089238203 | Amundi Prime Global UCITS ETF DR (C) |
LU1931974692 | Amundi Prime Global UCITS ETF DR (D) |
IE000716YHJ7 | Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF USD Accumalation |
IE0000QLH0G6 | Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF USD Distribution |
IE00B23LNQ02 | Invesco FTSE RAFI All World 3000 UCITS ETF |
IE00BLSNMW37 | Invesco Global Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF |
IE000N42HDP2 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco Quantitative Strats Glbl Eq Lw Vol Lw Crbn UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000V93BNU0 | Invesco MSCI World ESG Climate Paris Aligned UCITS USD Acc |
IE00BJQRDN15 | Invesco Quantitative Strategies ESG Global Equity Multi-Factor UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000VXC51U5 | Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 2C – EUR Hedged |
IE000V0GDVU7 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 11 Sustainable Cities UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000Y6ZXZ48 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 12 Circular Economy UCITS ETF 1C |
IE0005E47AH7 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 9 Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000P4AYI47 | Xtrackers MSCI World Climate Transition UCITS ETF 1C USD |
IE0008YN0OY8 | Xtrackers MSCI World Minimum Volatility ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BJ0KDQ92 | Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BK1PV551 | Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1D |
IE000LAUZQT6 | Xtrackers MSCI World Value ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000E0V65D8 | Xtrackers World Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE000UZCJS58 | Xtrackers World Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BWTN6Y99 | Invesco S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility UCITS ETF |
IE000V04SL39 | Xtrackers MSCI USA High Dividend Yield ESG UCITS ETF 1D USD Income |
IE0032077012 | Invesco EQQQ NASDAQ-100 UCITS ETF |
IE00B23D8S39 | Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1000 UCITS ETF |
IE000COQKPO9 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco NASDAQ-100 ESG UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000L2SA8K5 | Invesco NASDAQ-100 Equal Weight UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BNGJJT35 | Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Index ETF Acc |
IE00BM8QRY62 | Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Index ETF Inc |
IE00BDZCKK11 | Invesco S&P 500 QVM UCITS ETF |
IE000GYDNJS5 | Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Transition UCITS ETF 1D USD |
IE00BJZ2DC62 | Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000TSML5I8 | Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged |
LU0274210672 | Xtrackers MSCI USA Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2581375073 | Xtrackers MSCI USA Swap UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BJ0KDR00 | Xtrackers MSCI USA UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BK1PV445 | Xtrackers MSCI USA UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BG04M077 | Xtrackers MSCI USA UCITS ETF 2C – EUR Hedged |
IE0004MFRED4 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000IDLWOL4 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight ESG UCITS ETF 2C- EUR Hedged |
IE0002EI5AG0 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged |
IE000CXLGK86 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight UCITS ETF 2D |
IE0007ULOZS8 | Xtrackers S&P 500 ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0490618542 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2009147757 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2196472984 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF 5C – EUR Hedged |
IE00BM67HW99 | Xtrackers S&P 500 UCITS ETF 1C – EUR Hedged |
IE000Z9SJA06 | Xtrackers S&P 500 UCITS ETF 4C – USD |
IE000LOSV2D0 | Xtrackers USA Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE0002ZM3JI1 | Xtrackers USA Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF 1C EUR Acc |
IE00B60SX402 | Invesco Russell 2000 UCITS ETF |
IE00BH3YZ803 | Invesco S&P SmallCap 600 UCITS ETF |
LU0292107991 | Xtrackers MSCI EM Asia ESG Screened Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2296661775 | Xtrackers MSCI EM Asia ESG Screened Swap UCITS ETF 1D USD |
LU0476289540 | Xtrackers MSCI Canada ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000K9Z3SF5 | Invesco Markets plc – Invesco S&P China A 300 Swap UCITS ETF |
IE0000FCGYF9 | Invesco Markets plc – Invesco S&P China A MidCap 500 Swap UCITS ETF |
IE00BK80XL30 | Invesco MSCI China All Shares Connect UCITS ETF |
LU0875160326 | Xtrackers Harvest CSI300 UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2469465822 | Xtrackers MSCI China A ESG Screened Swap UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
LU0514695690 | Xtrackers MSCI China UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BYYXBF44 | Invesco FTSE Emerging Markets High Dividend Low Volatility UCITS ETF |
IE00B23D9570 | Invesco FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF |
IE000TZT8TI0 | Xtrackers Emerging Markets Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE00BG370F43 | Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BTJRMP35 | Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0328476410 | Xtrackers S&P Select Frontier Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000I8IKC59 | Invesco MSCI Japan ESG Climate Paris Aligned UCITS USD Acc |
IE00074JLU02 | Xtrackers Japan Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned UCITS ETF 1C EUR Acc |
IE0006FDYJF8 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan Climate Transition UCITS ETF 1D USD |
IE00BRB36B93 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF 3C EUR Hedged |
IE00BG36TC12 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0274209740 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2581375230 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0659580079 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan UCITS ETF 4C EUR Hedged |
LU2196470426 | Xtrackers Nikkei 225 UCITS ETF 1C EUR |
LU0839027447 | Xtrackers Nikkei 225 UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1875395870 | Xtrackers Nikkei 225 UCITS ETF 2D EUR Hedged |
LU0292108619 | Xtrackers MSCI EM Latin America ESG Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BMDBMT65 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco MSCI Pacific Ex Japan ESG Universal Screened UCITS ETF |
LU0322252338 | Xtrackers MSCI Pacific ex Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1094612022 | Xtrackers II Harvest China Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BD4DX952 | Xtrackers ESG USD Emerging Markets Bond Quality Weighted UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BD4DXB77 | Xtrackers ESG USD Emerging Markets Bond Quality Weighted UCITS ETF 2D-EURHedged |
LU2158769930 | Xtrackers II J.P. Morgan EM Local Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D USD |
LU0677077884 | Xtrackers II USD Emerging Markets Bond UCITS ETF 2D – USD |
IE0006GNB732 | Xtrackers ESG EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1109939865 | Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond 1-3 Swap UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1109942653 | Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0290358224 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2468423459 | Xtrackers II ESG Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2641054122 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 0-1 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0290356871 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0614173549 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0290356954 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 3-5 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0614173895 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 3-5 UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0290357176 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 5-7 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2504537445 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond ESG Tilted UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0290355717 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR |
LU0643975591 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D EUR |
LU2504532487 | Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Green Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2641054551 | Xtrackers II Germany Government Bond 0-1 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0643975161 | Xtrackers II Germany Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0468896575 | Xtrackers II Germany Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0925589839 | Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus 1-3 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0484968812 | Xtrackers II EUR Corporate Bond SRI PAB UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0478205379 | Xtrackers II EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0820950128 | Xtrackers II EUR Covered Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0942970103 | Xtrackers II ESG Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0942970798 | Xtrackers II ESG Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF 5C – EUR Hedged |
LU2462217071 | Xtrackers II ESG Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR Accumulation |
LU2385068593 | Xtrackers II ESG Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 4D EUR Income Hedged |
LU0690964092 | Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D – EUR Hedged |
LU0962078753 | Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1D – EUR Hedged |
LU0908508814 | Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 5C |
LU2673523218 | Xtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2027 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2673523309 | Xtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2029 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2673523481 | Xtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2031 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2673523564 | Xtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2033 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
IE0006YM7D84 | Xtrackers ESG USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2504532131 | Xtrackers II TIPS US Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0429458895 | Xtrackers II US Treasuries 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D |
LU0429459356 | Xtrackers II US Treasuries UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1399300455 | Xtrackers II US Treasuries UCITS ETF 2D – EUR Hedged |
IE0003W9O921 | Xtrackers (IE) Plc – Xtrackers USD Corporate Green Bond UCITS ETF 2C USD Acc |
IE00BF8J5974 | Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond Short Duration SRI PAB UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BL58LJ19 | Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond SRI PAB UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BL58LL31 | Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond SRI PAB UCITS ETF 2C – EUR hedged |
IE00BZ036H21 | Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00028H9QJ8 | Xtrackers USD Corporate Green Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged Acc |
IE00BLRB0242 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF Acc |
IE00BLRB0028 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF Inc |
IE0008RX29L5 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco Wind Energy UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BM8QRZ79 | Invesco Solar Energy UCITS ETF |
IE00BQ70R696 | Invesco NASDAQ Biotech UCITS ETF |
LU0292109005 | Xtrackers MSCI EM Europe, Middle East & Africa ESG Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000AIFGRB9 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco S&P World Energy ESG UCITS ETF Acc |
IE00B94ZB998 | Invesco Morningstar US Energy Infrastructure MLP UCITS ETF |
IE00B8CJW150 | Invesco Morningstar US Energy Infrastructure MLP UCITS ETF (Dist) |
IE00BM67HM91 | Xtrackers MSCI World Energy UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00018LB0D8 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco S&P World Financials ESG UCITS ETF Acc |
LU0290358497 | Xtrackers II EUR Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0335044896 | Xtrackers II EUR Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETF 1D |
IE000L4EH2K5 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco S&P World Health Care ESG UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000KD0BZ68 | Xtrackers MSCI Genomic Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE00036F4K40 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 3 Good Health UCITS ETF 1C USD |
IE00BM67HK77 | Xtrackers MSCI World Health Care UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0489337690 | Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292106084 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Industrials ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292100806 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Materials ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BM67HV82 | Xtrackers MSCI World Industrials UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BM67HS53 | Xtrackers MSCI World Materials UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BNKF6C99 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary ESG Screened UCITS ETF |
LU0292105359 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Consumer Staples EGS Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BM67HP23 | Xtrackers MSCI World Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BM67HN09 | Xtrackers MSCI World Consumer Staples UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BYMS5W68 | Invesco KBW NASDAQ Fintech UCITS ETF |
IE000Q0IU5T1 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco S&P World Information Technology ESG UCITS ETF Acc |
IE00BM8QS095 | Invesco MSCI China Technology All Shares Stock Connect UCITS ETF |
IE00BGV5VN51 | Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence &Big Data UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292104469 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Information Technology ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE0006FFX5U1 | Xtrackers MSCI Innovation UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE00BM67HT60 | Xtrackers MSCI World Information Technology UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292104030 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Communication Services ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292104899 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Utilities ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BM67HQ30 | Xtrackers MSCI World Utilities UCITS ETF 1C |
IE0007WJ6B10 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 6 Clean Water & Sanitation UCITS ETF 1C USD |
IE00053WDH64 | Invesco Markets II plc – Invesco Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF USD Acc |
Neue Premium ETFs ab 2025, keine Sparplangebühr von 1,50 Euro
Von welchen Emittentinnen sind denn nun neue ETFs hinzugekommen? Das ist ein bunter Blumenstrauß, wie die Auswertung zeigt:
- Amundi: 21 ETFs
- iShares: 19 ETFs
- L&G: 8 ETFs
- JPMorgan: 4 ETFs
- WisdomTree: 2 ETFs
Ein World ETF von Amundi könnte mitunter besonders interessant sein mit einer jährlichen Kostenquote von 0,12 %.
- IE000BI8OT95 Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF DR USD Acc
LU2240851688 | Amundi DAX 50 ESG UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C) |
LU0908501058 | Amundi MSCI EMU ESG CTB Net Zero Ambition UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2089238039 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Prime Europe UCITS ETF DR (C) |
LU2572257470 | Amundi MSCI Europe Small Cap ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB ETF |
IE00B4M7GH52 | iShares MSCI Poland UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE000K1P4V37 | Amundi MSCI World SRI Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc |
IE000AZV0AS3 | Amundi MSCI World IMI Value Screened Factor UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE0001DKJVC2 | Amundi MSCI World Minimum Volatility Screened Factor UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE0001FQFU60 | Amundi MSCI World Momentum Screened Factor UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000Y77LGG9 | Amundi MSCI World SRI Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
IE000004V778 | Amundi MSCI World SRI Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF EUR Dis |
IE000BI8OT95 | Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF DR USD Acc |
IE0003JSNHV9 | JPM Global Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned UCITS ETF – EUR (acc) |
IE000VTOHNZ0 | L&G Global Thematic ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Accumulating |
IE000UZZ5D45 | Amundi MSCI World Small Cap CTB UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000PEAJOT0 | Amundi MSCI USA ESG Leaders UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000XL4IXU1 | Amundi MSCI USA Ex Mega Cap UCITS ETF USD Accumulation |
IE000FSN19U2 | Amundi MSCI USA UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000RSCXLM4 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – US Equity Active UCITS ETF USD Accumulation |
IE0005CH3U28 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – US Growth Active UCITS ETF USD Accumulation |
IE000TD3TI26 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – US Value Active UCITS ETF USD Accumulation |
IE00B14X4T88 | iShares Asia Pacific Dividend UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B2QWDR12 | iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B0M63730 | iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B4WXJD03 | iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B0M63516 | iShares MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B02KXK85 | iShares China Large Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
DE000A0F5UE8 | iShares Dow Jones China Offshore 50 UCITS ETF (DE) |
LU2300295123 | Amundi Prime Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR (C) |
IE00B1W57M07 | iShares BIC 50 UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B3F81G20 | iShares MSCI EM Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B42Z5J44 | iShares MSCI Japan EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) |
IE000HLUHPT1 | L&G Japan ESG Exclusions Paris Aligned UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BYQCZJ13 | WisdomTree Japan Equity UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged Acc |
IE00BYQCZN58 | WisdomTree Japan Equity UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE00B0M63391 | iShares MSCI Korea UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B5W4TY14 | iShares VII PLC – iShares MSCI Korea ETF USD Acc |
IE00B5WHFQ43 | iShares VII PLC – iShares MSCI Mexico Capped ETF USD Acc |
IE00BYYR0489 | iShares MSCI Saudi Arabia Capped UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00B52XQP83 | iShares MSCI South Africa UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00B0M63623 | iShares MSCI Taiwan UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B1FZS574 | iShares MSCI Turkey UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
LU2297533809 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index US Corp SRI UCITS ETF DR Hedged EUR Inc |
IE00B1XNHC34 | iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BK5BCH80 | L&G Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00B3CNHG25 | L&G Gold Mining UCITS ETF |
LU2082997789 | Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Industrials UCITS ETF Dist |
LU2082999132 | Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF Dist |
IE00B4WPHX27 | L&G Longer Dated All Commodities UCITS ETF |
IE000QNJAOX1 | L&G Optical Technology & Photonics ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Accumulating |
FR0014002CH1 | Amundi MSCI Water ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc |
IE00BK5BC891 | L&G Clean Water UCITS ETF |
Folgende Premium ETFs bleiben b.a.w. Premium ETFs bei Flatex Österreich
DE000ETF9090 | Amundi DAX 50 ESG II UCITS ETF |
LU0252633754 | Amundi DAX III UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090062436 | Amundi DAX III UCITS ETF Dist |
FR0010655712 | Amundi ETF DAX UCITS ETF DR |
LU2611732046 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi DAX UCITS ETF EUR Distributing |
LU2611731741 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi DivDAX I UCITS ETF EUR Distributing |
LU2611732475 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi SDAX UCITS ETF EUR Distributing |
FR0011857234 | Amundi MDAX UCITS ETF Dist |
DE000A2QP349 | iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) Dist |
DE000ETF9033 | Lyxor 1 DivDAX (DR) UCITS ETF I |
FR0010717090 | Amundi ETF MSCI EMU High Dividend UCITS ETF |
FR0007054358 | Amundi EURO STOXX 50 II UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1681047236 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU1681047319 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF-D EUR |
LU2109787635 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI EMU SRI PAB Ucits ETF DR Cap |
LU2182388582 | Amundi MSCI EMU Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1602144575 | Amundi MSCI EMU ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR EUR (C) |
LU1646360971 | Amundi MSCI EMU UCITS ETF Dist |
LU0959210278 | Amundi S&P Eurozone Dividend Aristocrat ESG UCITS ETF Dist |
IE00004PGEY9 | JPM Eurozone Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – EUR (acc) |
IE000783LRG9 | JPM Eurozone Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – EUR (dis) |
IE00BZ56TQ67 | WisdomTree Eurozone Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF – EUR Acc |
LU0292095535 | Xtrackers Euro Stoxx Quality Dividend UCITS ETF 1D |
IE000QUOSE01 | Vanguard ESG Developed Europe All Cap UCITS ETF EUR Accumulation |
IE000NRGX9M3 | Vanguard ESG Developed Europe All Cap UCITS ETF EUR Income |
IE00BMYDM919 | L&G Quality Equity Dividends ESG Exclusions Europe ex-UK UCITS ETF |
FR0010790980 | Amundi ETF Stoxx Europe 50 UCITS ETF |
LU1437015735 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI Europe UCITS ETF DR |
LU1681042609 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Europe ESG Broad CTB UCITS ETF DR EUR C |
LU1681041627 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility Factor UCITS ETF-C |
LU1681041460 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF-C |
LU1861137484 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Europe SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR C |
LU1681040223 | Amundi Index Solutions – AMUNDI STOXX EUROPE 600 ESG – UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C) |
LU2130768844 | Amundi MSCI Europe Climate Transition CTB UCITS ETF DR (C) |
LU1940199711 | Amundi MSCI Europe ESG Leaders UCITS ETF Acc |
FR0010261198 | Amundi MSCI Europe II UCITS ETF Acc |
DE000ETF9603 | Amundi STOXX Europe 600 ESG II UCITS ETF |
IE00B52VJ196 | iShares MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) |
DE0005933949 | iShares STOXX Europe 50 UCITS ETF (DE) |
IE00BF4G7183 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – Europe Research Enhanced Index Equity UCITS ETF – EUR (acc) |
NL0010731816 | VanEck Sustainable European Equal Weight UCITS ETF |
LU1900066462 | Amundi MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090063160 | Amundi MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1681041890 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF-C |
IE00BQZJBX31 | WisdomTree Europe Equity Income UCITS ETF |
IE00BQZJC527 | WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF |
LU0322253906 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Small Cap UCITS ETF 1C |
FR0007052782 | Amundi CAC 40 UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1681046931 | Amundi Index Solutions – AMUNDI CAC 40 ESG UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C) |
LU0322250985 | Xtrackers CAC 40 UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1650492173 | Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1650492256 | Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1650492330 | Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc |
LU1781541096 | Amundi UK Equity All Cap UCITS ETF |
IE00BMYDM802 | L&G Quality Equity Dividends ESG Exclusions UK UCITS ETF |
FR0010010827 | Amundi FTSE MIB UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1681037518 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi ITALY MIB ESG UCITS ETF DR – EUR C |
LU1681044647 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Nordic UCITS ETF-C |
IE00B9MRHC27 | Xtrackers MSCI Nordic UCITS ETF 1D |
DE000A0D8Q23 | iShares ATX UCITS ETF (DE) |
LU0659579063 | Xtrackers ATX UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1681044993 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Switzerland UCITS ETF-C CHF |
LU1681044720 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Switzerland UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU0274221281 | Xtrackers Switzerland UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1900067601 | Amundi MSCI Turkey UCITS ETF Acc |
FR0011660927 | Amundi MSCI World II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist |
IE000W95TAE6 | JPM Carbon Transition Global Equity (CTB) UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE0000UW95D6 | JPM Global Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE000UZIKD07 | JPM Global Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
LU0659579733 | Xtrackers – Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 4C – EUR Hedged |
IE00BMY76136 | Xtrackers MSCI World ESG UCITS ETF 2C – EUR Hedged |
IE000ONQ3X90 | Xtrackers MSCI World ETF 2C EUR |
FR0010756114 | Amundi ETF MSCI World ex EMU UCITS ETF |
LU0832436512 | Amundi Global Equity Quality Income UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1602145119 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index Equity Global Multi Smart Allocation Scientific Beta ETF-C EUR |
LU1681045537 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI World Ex Europe ETF-C EUR |
LU2572257124 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI World III UCITS ETF USD |
LU1681043599 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF C EUR |
LU1829220216 | Amundi MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
LU2023678449 | Amundi MSCI Millennials ESG Screened ETF Accumulation |
IE000CL68Z69 | Amundi MSCI World Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF Acc |
IE0001GSQ2O9 | Amundi MSCI World ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000PB4LRO2 | Amundi MSCI World ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF Dis |
IE00016PSX47 | Amundi MSCI World ESG Leaders UCITS ETF Acc |
FR0010315770 | Amundi MSCI World II UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1781541179 | Amundi MSCI World V UCITS ETF Acc |
IE0003XJA0J9 | Amundi Prime All Country World UCITS ETF Acc |
IE0009HF1MK9 | Amundi Prime All Country World UCITS ETF Inc |
IE00B57X3V84 | iShares Dow Jones Global Sustainability Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
DE0006289382 | iShares Dow Jones Global Titans 50 UCITS ETF (DE) |
IE00013A2XD6 | iShares MSCI ACWI SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BFNM3J75 | iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BYYHSQ67 | iShares MSCI World Quality Dividend ESG UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BDZZTM54 | iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BMDWYZ92 | JPM Carbon Transition Global Equity (CTB) UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE00BJRCLL96 | JPM Global Equity Multi-Factor UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE0003UVYC20 | JPM Global Equity Premium Income Active UCITS ETF – USD (dist) |
IE000BXC49I6 | JPM Global Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE00BF4G6Y48 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – Global Research Enhanced Index Equity UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE0001UQQ933 | L&G Gerd Kommer Multifactor Equity UCITS ETF USD Accumulating |
IE000FPWSL69 | L&G Gerd Kommer Multifactor Equity UCITS ETF USD Distributing |
NL0011683594 | VanEck Morningstar Developed Markets Dividend Leaders UCITS ETF |
IE00BL0BMZ89 | VanEck Morningstar Global Wide Moat UCITS ETF A USD |
NL0010408704 | VanEck Sustainable World Equal Weight UCITS ETF |
IE00BNG8L278 | Vanguard ESG Global All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating |
IE00BNG8L385 | Vanguard ESG Global All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing |
IE0007M3MLF3 | WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged Acc |
IE00BZ56RN96 | WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF – USD |
IE00BZ56SW52 | WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE0000902GT6 | WisdomTree Megatrends UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BGHQ0G80 | Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000PSF3A70 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDGs UCITS ETF 1C USD |
IE00BCHWNQ94 | Xtrackers MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1D |
IE00BZ02LR44 | Xtrackers MSCI World ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE0006WW1TQ4 | Xtrackers MSCI World ex USA UCITS ETF 1C USD |
IE00BL25JN58 | Xtrackers MSCI World Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000TL3PL69 | Xtrackers MSCI World Momentum ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BL25JP72 | Xtrackers MSCI World Momentum UCITS ETF 1C |
IE0003NQ0IY5 | Xtrackers MSCI World Quality ESG UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BL25JL35 | Xtrackers MSCI World Quality UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0274208692 | Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2263803533 | Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 1D USD |
IE00BL25JM42 | Xtrackers MSCI World Value UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000O58J820 | Vanguard ESG North America All Cap UCITS ETF USD Accumulation |
IE000L2ZNB07 | Vanguard ESG North America All Cap UCITS ETF USD Income |
FR0007056841 | Amundi Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF Dist |
FR0010755611 | Amundi ETF Leveraged MSCI USA Daily UCITS ETF |
LU1589349734 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI USA Minimum Volatility Factor UCITS ETF |
LU1681038243 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Nasdaq-100 ETF-C EUR |
LU1681038599 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Nasdaq-100 ETF-C EUR Hedged |
LU1681048127 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi S&P 500 Buyback ETF-C EUR |
LU1681048804 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi S&P 500 UCITS ETF C EUR |
LU1681049109 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi S&P 500 UCITS ETF C Hedged EUR |
IE000MYCJA42 | AMUNDI MSCI North America ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000MJIXFE0 | AMUNDI MSCI North America ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF Dist |
IE000QQ8Z0D8 | Amundi MSCI USA ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF Dis |
IE0008TKP6O7 | Amundi MSCI USA ESG Leaders Extra UCITS ETF Dis |
IE000R85HL30 | AMUNDI MSCI USA SRI Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2197908721 | Amundi Nasdaq-100 II UCITS ETF Dist |
LU2572256662 | Amundi PEA Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF |
LU1681042864 | Amundi PEA MSCI USA ESG Leaders UCITS ETF – EUR |
IE000O5FBC47 | Amundi S&P 500 Climate Net Zero Ambition PAB UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000LAP5Z18 | Amundi S&P 500 Equal Weight ESG Leaders UCITS ETF DR USD Acc |
IE000KXCEXR3 | Amundi S&P 500 ESG UCITS ETF Acc EUR |
LU0959211243 | Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist |
LU0496786574 | Amundi S&P 500 UCITS ETF – D-EUR |
LU0496786657 | Amundi S&P 500 UCITS ETF – D-USD |
IE00BYVQ9F29 | iShares VII PLC – iShares NASDAQ 100 ETF EUR Hdg Acc |
IE00BJ06C044 | JPM US Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – USD (dist) |
IE0006HMLPV6 | JPM US Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE00069JGT58 | JPM US Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE000CN8T855 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – US Research Enhanced Index Equity UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE00BF4G7076 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – US Research Enhanced Index Equity UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
LU1781540957 | Lyxor Core US Equity (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist |
IE00BQQP9H09 | VanEck Morningstar US Sustainable Wide Moat UCITS ETF |
IE000KF370H3 | WisdomTree US Efficient Core UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BQZJBQ63 | WisdomTree US Equity Income UCITS ETF |
IE000CXVOXQ1 | WisdomTree US Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged Acc |
IE00BZ56RG20 | WisdomTree US Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE00BH361H73 | Xtrackers MSCI North America High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF 1C |
IE0000MMQ5M5 | Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged |
IE00BMFKG444 | Xtrackers NASDAQ 100 UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BLNMYC90 | Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1681038672 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Russell 2000 ETF-C EUR |
IE000XLJ2JQ9 | Amundi S&P SmallCap 600 ESG UCITS ETF USD Inc |
IE000JNKVS10 | JPM BetaBuilders US Small Cap Equity UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE00B3CNHJ55 | L&G Russell 2000 US Small Cap Quality UCITS ETF USD Accumulate |
IE00BJZ2DD79 | Xtrackers Russell 2000 UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1287022708 | Amundi Pan Africa UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2572257397 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB ETF |
IE00B9KNR336 | SPDR® S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETF |
IE000GOJO2A3 | Vanguard ESG Developed Asia Pacific All Cap UCITS ETF USD Accumulating |
IE0008T6IUX0 | Vanguard ESG Developed Asia Pacific All Cap UCITS ETF USD Income |
LU2402389261 | Amundi Index MSCI Pacific Ex Japan SRI PAB – UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D) |
LU1602144906 | Amundi Index MSCI Pacific Ex Japen SRI PAB – UCITS ETF DR – EUR C |
LU1681044480 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Em Asia UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU1900068328 | Amundi MSCI AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1220245556 | Amundi MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Dist |
IE00B5L8K969 | iShares VII PLC – iShares MSCI EM Asia ETF USD Acc |
IE00BMDV7354 | JPM AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE00BMYDMB35 | L&G Quality Equity Dividends ESG Exclusions Asia Pacific ex-Japan UCITS ETF |
LU0322252171 | Xtrackers MSCI AC Asia ex Japan ESG Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2572256746 | Amundi MSCI China A II ETF |
FR0011720911 | Amundi MSCI China A UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1900068914 | Amundi MSCI China ESG Leaders Extra UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1681043912 | Amundi MSCI China Tech ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
LU1841731745 | Amundi MSCI China UCITS ETF Acc |
IE00BQT3WG13 | iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BMDV7578 | JPM China A Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE000DS9ZCL4 | JPM China A Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF USD Distribution |
IE0000H445G8 | VanEck New China ESG UCITS ETF A USD Acc |
LU0779800910 | Xtrackers CSI300 Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1861138961 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR C |
LU1437017350 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR |
LU1737652583 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR EUR |
LU1681045370 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU2345046655 | Amundi MSCI Emerging Ex China ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR USD Acc |
LU2009202107 | Amundi MSCI Emerging Ex China UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2573966905 | Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF Dist |
FR0010429068 | Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets III UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
IE00B652H904 | iShares EM Dividend UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BF4G6Z54 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – Global Emerging Markets Research Enh Idx Eq (ESG) UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BMYDMC42 | L&G Quality Equity Dividends ESG Exclusions Emerging Markets UCITS ETF |
IE00B6YX5B26 | SPDR S&P Emerging Markets Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETF |
IE000KPJJWM6 | Vanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE0001VXZTV7 | Vanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap UCITS ETF USD Inc |
IE00BQQ3Q067 | WisdomTree Emerging Markets Equity Income UCITS ETF |
IE00BM9TSP27 | WisdomTree Emerging Markets ex-State-Owned Enterprises ESG Screened UCITS ETF |
IE000DNSAS54 | Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets Climate Transition UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292107645 | Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00B48X4842 | SPDR® MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap UCITS ETF |
IE00BQZJBM26 | WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF |
LU1681043086 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI India UCITS ETF-C EUR |
FR0010361683 | Amundi MSCI India II UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
IE00BZCQB185 | iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF USD Acc |
LU0514695187 | Xtrackers MSCI India Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0292109690 | Xtrackers Nifty 50 Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1900065811 | Amundi MSCI Indonesia UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2233156749 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI Japan SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR (C) |
LU2269164310 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index MSCI Japan SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR Hedged (C) |
LU1681037864 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Japan Topix UCITS ETF-C EUR Hedged |
LU1681038912 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU1681039134 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF-C EUR Hedged |
FR0010245514 | Amundi Japan TOPIX II UCITS ETF EUR Dist |
FR0011475078 | Amundi Japan TOPIX II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist |
LU1781541252 | Amundi MSCI Japan UCITS ETF |
IE00005YSIA4 | JPM Japan Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF – USD (dist) |
IE000QGWZZO0 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – Japan Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE00BP2NF958 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – Japan Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) UCITS ETF USD (acc) |
LU2090063673 | Lyxor Core MSCI Japan (DR) UCITS ETF 2 |
LU2133056387 | MULTI-UNITS LUXEMBOURG – Lyxor Core MSCI Japan (DR) UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged to EUR – Dist |
IE00BPVLQD13 | Xtrackers MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1900066975 | Amundi MSCI Korea UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1681045024 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Em Latin America UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU0322252924 | Xtrackers FTSE Vietnam Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BF541080 | VanEck Emerging Markets High Yield Bond UCITS ETF A USD |
IE00BDDRDY39 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond UCITS ETF EUR (acc) Hedged |
LU0321462953 | Xtrackers II USD Emerging Markets Bond UCITS ETF 1C – EUR Hedged |
LU1650489385 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 10-15Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1650489898 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 10-15Y UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1287023268 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 15+Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090062782 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 15+Y UCITS ETF Dist |
LU2182388236 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index Euro AGG SRI UCITS ETF DR |
LU2439113387 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index Euro AGG SRI UCITS ETF DR EUR (D) |
LU1681040496 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi EURO High Yield Bond ESG – UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C) |
LU1109943388 | Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1650491282 | Amundi Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1650491795 | Amundi Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1650487413 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1650487926 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1650488494 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 3-5Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1650488817 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 3-5Y UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1287023003 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 5-7Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090062865 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 5-7Y UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1287023185 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090062949 | Amundi Euro Government Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF Dist |
LU2356220926 | Amundi Euro Government Green Bond UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1829219556 | Amundi Euro Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1829219713 | Amundi Euro Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond 3-5Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1287023342 | Amundi Euro Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1437018598 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Euro Government Bond – UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1737653714 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Euro Government Bond – UCITS ETF Dist |
LU1681046691 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Govt Bond Highest Rated Euro Investment Grade Ucits ETF EUR C |
LU1681046774 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Govt Bond Lowest Rated Euro Investment Grade UCITS ETF-C |
LU1931975152 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Prime Euro Govies UCITS ETF DR |
IE00BYVZV757 | JPM BetaBuilders EUR Govt Bond 1-3 yr UCITS ETF – EUR (acc) |
IE00BJK9HD13 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV BetaBuilders EUR Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
NL0010273801 | VanEck iBoxx EUR Sovereign Capped AAA-AA 1-5 UCITS ETF |
NL0009690254 | VanEck iBoxx EUR Sovereign Diversified 1-10 UCITS ETF |
LU0524480265 | Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1C |
LU0962071741 | Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2233156582 | Amundi Prime Euro Gov Bonds 0-1Y UCITS ETF DR Cap |
IE00BD9MMF62 | JPM EUR Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF – EUR (acc) |
LU1829219127 | Amundi EUR Corporate Bond PAB Net Zero Ambition UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1525418643 | Amundi Index Solution – AMUNDI EUR Corp BD 1-5Y ESG UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1681041114 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi EUR Floating Rate Corporate Bond ESG – UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C) |
LU1681039647 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi EURO Corporates UCITS ETF DR EUR C |
LU2037748774 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index Euro Corporate Sri 0-3 Y UCITS ETF DR |
LU1437018168 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index Euro Corporate SRI UCITS ETF DR |
LU2300294316 | Amundi Index Solutions Amundi Euro Corp 0-1Y ESG UCITS ETF DR (C) |
IE00BF59RW70 | JPMorgan ETFs Ireland ICAV – EUR Corporate Bond 1-5 yr Research Enhanced Index ESG UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
IE00BF59RX87 | JPMorgan ETFs Ireland ICAV – EUR Corporate Bond Research Enhanced Index ESG UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
NL0009690247 | VanEck iBoxx EUR Corporates UCITS ETF |
IE000QADMYA3 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (EUR) Accumulating |
IE000F37PGZ3 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (EUR) Distributing |
IE000MCVFK47 | Xtrackers EUR Corporate Green Bond UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BYPHT736 | Xtrackers iBoxx EUR Corporate Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1D |
LU2178481649 | Xtrackers II EUR Corporate Bond Short Duration SRI PAB UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2470620845 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Global AGG SRI 1-5Y UCITS ETF DR – hedged EUR |
LU2439733507 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Global AGG SRI UCITS ETF DR HEDGED EUR (C) |
IE000PQQLZM7 | JPM Global AggregateBond Active UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE000FBG59J1 | JPM Green Social Sustainable Bond UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE0006MM8VN6 | JPM Global AggregateBond Active UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000LHP8TA1 | JPM Global AggregateBond Active UCITS ETF USD Inc |
IE0005FKEK99 | JPM Green Social Sustainable Bond UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
LU1681041205 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Global Emerging Bond Markit IBOXX UCITS ETF DR – C |
IE00BJ06C937 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond UCITS ETF USD (acc) |
IE00BDFC6G93 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond UCITS ETF USD (dist) |
IE00B4613386 | SPDR® Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Bond UCITS ETF (Dist) |
IE00BDS67326 | VanEck J.P. Morgan EM Local Currency Bond UCITS ETF A USD |
IE00BJSFR200 | iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) |
IE00BKKCKJ46 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV Global High Yield Corporate Bond Multi-Factor UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BF540Z61 | VanEck Global Fallen Angel High Yield Bond UCITS ETF A USD |
LU0290357929 | Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1C – EUR Hedged |
LU1437016204 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index J.P. Morgan GBI Global Govies UCITS ETF DR |
LU1708330235 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index J.P. Morgan GBI Global Govies UCITS ETF DR EUR Hedged |
LU0378818131 | Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C – EUR Hedged |
LU0908508731 | Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 5C |
LU1981859819 | Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1563454310 | Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond UCITS ETF Acc |
LU1563454823 | Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc |
LU2780871823 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Fixed Maturity 2027 German Bund Government Bond UCITS ETF Income |
LU2780871401 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Fixed Maturity 2028 Euro Government Bond Broad UCITS ETF Income |
LU2780871666 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Fixed Maturity 2028 Euro Government Bond Yield + UCITS ETF Income |
IE00BNDS1P30 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG Global Corporate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc |
IE00BNDS1Q47 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG Global Corporate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Inc |
LU1407888137 | Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc |
IE00B44CGS96 | iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BDR5HM97 | Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D |
LU1452600270 | Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist |
IE00BD9MMD49 | JPM BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 1-3 yr UCITS ETF – USD (acc) |
IE00BJK9HH50 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BJK3WF00 | JPM BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-1 yr UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BG8BCY43 | JPM USD Ultra-Short Income ETF USD Acc |
IE00BDFC6Q91 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – USD Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF USD (dist) |
LU1681041031 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Floating Rate USD Corporate ESG – UCITS ETF DR – HEDGED EUR (C) |
LU1681040900 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Floating Rate USD Corporate ESG – UCITS ETF DR – USD (C) |
LU1806495575 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index US Corp SRI UCITS ETF DR Acc |
IE0000J0F3C5 | JPM USD Corporate Bond Research Enhanced Index (ESG) UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc) |
IE00BF59RV63 | JPMorgan ETFs Ireland ICAV – USD Corporate Bond Research Enhanced Index ESG UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000JQV8511 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating |
IE000RO1O3N4 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing |
IE000EKJRSZ3 | Vanguard Funds PLC – Vanguard ESG USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Accumulating |
IE00BZ036J45 | Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 2D – EUR Hedged |
LU1681046006 | Amundi Global BioEnergy ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR Acc |
FR0010524777 | Amundi MSCI New Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist |
IE000M7V94E1 | VanEck Uranium and Nuclear Technologies UCITS ETF A USD Acc |
IE000P3D0W60 | WisdomTree Renewable Energy UCITS ETF |
IE000JZYIUN0 | Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy UCITS ETF 1C USD |
IE00BKLF1R75 | WisdomTree Battery Solutions UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE00BYXG2H39 | iShares Nasdaq US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BF0H7608 | L&G Pharma Breakthrough UCITS ETF |
IE000O8KMPM1 | WisdomTree BioRevolution UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
LU2611731824 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi NYSE Arca Gold BUGS UCITS ETF USD Distributing |
IE00B6R52036 | iShares Gold Producers UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BQQP9F84 | VanEck Gold Miners UCITS ETF |
IE00BQQP9G91 | VanEck Junior Gold Miners UCITS ETF |
IE0002PG6CA6 | VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic Metals UCITS ETF A USD Acc |
FR0010930644 | Amundi Global Hydrogen ESG Screened UCITS ETF |
IE000J0LN0R5 | Amundi S&P Global Energy Carbon Reduced UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE0009SJ3GE3 | Amundi S&P Global Energy Carbon Reduced UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
IE00B6R51Z18 | iShares Oil & Gas Exploration & Production UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
LU1829219390 | Amundi Euro Stoxx Banks UCITS ETF Acc |
IE000KYX7IP4 | Amundi S&P Global Financials ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE000ENYES77 | Amundi S&P Global Financials ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
LU0292103651 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Financials ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BM67HL84 | Xtrackers MSCI World Financials UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2023679090 | Amundi MSCI Future Mobility ESG Screened ETF Accumulation |
FR0010510800 | Amundi EUR Overnight Return UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090062352 | Amundi Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF Dist |
IE0006FM6MI8 | Amundi S&P Global Health Care ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE000JKS50V3 | Amundi S&P Global Health Care ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
IE00BYZK4776 | iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
LU1834986900 | Multi Units Luxembourg – Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Healthcare UCITS ETF Acc |
IE0005TF96I9 | VanEck Bionic Engineering UCITS ETF A Acc |
IE000B9PQW54 | VanEck Genomics and Healthcare Innovators UCITS ETF |
LU0292103222 | Xtrackers MSCI Europe Health Care ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
DE000ETF7029 | Amundi Multi-Asset Portfolio Defensive UCITS ETF Dist |
DE000ETF7037 | Amundi Multi-Asset Portfolio Offensive UCITS ETF Dist |
DE000ETF7011 | Amundi Multi-Asset Portfolio UCITS ETF Dist |
IE00BLLZQ805 | iShares Growth Portfolio UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) |
IE00BLLZQS08 | iShares Moderate Portfolio UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) |
LU0397221945 | Xtrackers Portfolio UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1681039480 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi FTSE EPRA Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF-C |
LU1437018838 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF DR |
LU1737652823 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Index FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF DR (D)EUR |
DE000A0Q4R44 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate UCITS ETF (DE) |
NL0009690239 | VanEck Global Real Estate UCITS ETF |
IE000X9TLGN8 | WisdomTree New Economy Real Estate UCITS ETF – USD |
IE000MO2MB07 | WisdomTree New Economy Real Estate UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE000LTA2082 | Amundi S&P Global Industrials ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE00026BEVM6 | Amundi S&P Global Industrials ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
IE000FCGBU62 | Amundi S&P Global Materials ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE000WP7CVZ7 | Amundi S&P Global Materials ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
IE000YYE6WK5 | VanEck Defense ETF A USD Acc |
IE000YU9K6K2 | VanEck Space Innovators UCITS ETF A USD Acc |
IE00B2NPL135 | iShares Emerging Market Infrastructure UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00B1FZS467 | iShares Global Infrastructure UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
LU0322253229 | Xtrackers S&P Global Infrastructure Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000EFHIFG3 | Amundi S&P Global Communication Services ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE000ANYHV73 | Amundi S&P Global Communication Services ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
DE000A0H08R2 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications UCITS ETF (DE) |
IE00BM67HR47 | Xtrackers MSCI World Communication Services UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1681048630 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi S&P Global Luxury ETF-C EUR |
IE000NM0ALX6 | Amundi S&P Global Consumer Discretionary ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE00061J0RC6 | Amundi S&P Global Consumer Discretionary ESG UCITS ETFDR EUR Inc |
IE000ZIJ5B20 | Amundi S&P Global Consumer Staples ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE0005NYD352 | Amundi S&P Global Consumer Staples ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
IE00BKM4H197 | iShares MSCI EM Consumer Growth UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
DE000A0Q4R28 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF (DE) EUR dis |
DE000A0H08H3 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage UCITS ETF (DE) |
DE000A0H08N1 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods UCITS ETF (DE) |
DE000A0H08S0 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF (DE) |
IE0007HKA9K1 | L&G Global Brands ETF USD Accumulation |
IE00B6R52143 | iShares Agribusiness UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE0005B8WVT6 | VanEck Sustainable Future of Food UCITS ETF A USD Acc |
IE000O8S1EX4 | JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – Climate Change Solutions UCITS ETF |
IE0001J5A2T9 | VanEck Circular Economy UCITS ETF A USD Acc |
IE000LG4J7E7 | WisdomTree Recycling Decarbonisation UCITS ETF USD Acc |
LU0322250712 | Xtrackers LPX Private Equity Swap UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1829218749 | Amundi Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity ex-Agriculture UCITS ETF Acc |
IE00B27YCF74 | iShares Global Timber & Forestry UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BFXR6159 | L&G Multi-Strategy Enhanced Commodities UCITS ETF |
IE00BDFBTQ78 | VanEck Global Mining UCITS ETF A USD |
IE000KHX9DX6 | WisdomTree Energy Transition Metals and Rare Earths Miners UCITS ETF USD Acc |
LU0292106167 | Xtrackers Bloomberg Commodity ex-Agriculture & Livestock Swap UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged |
LU2037748345 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi MSCI Smart Cities ESG Screened UCITS ETF – Acc |
LU2037749822 | Amundi Index Solutions – Amundi Smart Factory UCITS ETF-C EUR |
LU2023678878 | Amundi MSCI Digital Economy ESG Screened ETF Accumulation |
LU2023678282 | Amundi MSCI Disruptive Technology ESG Screened ETF Accumulation |
LU1861132840 | Amundi MSCI Robotics & AI ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc |
LU2090063327 | Amundi MSCI Semiconductors ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist |
IE000E7EI9P0 | Amundi S&P Global Information Technology ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE000GEHNQU9 | Amundi S&P Global Information Technology ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
DE000ETF9082 | Amundi TecDAX UCITS ETF Dist |
IE000Y9MG996 | Amundi US Tech 100 Equal Weight UCITS ETF DR USD Income |
IE00BYWZ0333 | iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE000RDRMSD1 | iShares Blockchain Technology UCITS ETF USD Cap |
IE00BG0J4C88 | iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BYZK4883 | iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BGL86Z12 | iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE000RN58M26 | iShares Metaverse UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
DE000A0H08Q4 | iShares STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF (DE) EUR dis |
IE000ST40PX8 | L&G Emerging Cyber Security ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Accumulating |
IE0004U3TX15 | L&G Metaverse ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BF92J153 | Legal & General UCITS ETF Plc – L&G Digital Payments UCITS ETF |
IE00BMDKNW35 | VanEck Crypto& Blockchain Innovators ETF A USD Acc |
IE00BMC38736 | VanEck Semiconductor UCITS ETF |
IE00BYWQWR46 | VanEck Video Gaming and eSports UCITS ETF A USD |
IE00BDVPNG13 | WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE000940RNE6 | WisdomTree Blockchain UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE00BJGWQN72 | WisdomTree Cloud Computing UCITS ETF – USD Acc |
IE00BLPK3577 | WisdomTree Cybersecurity UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE000TB3YTV4 | WisdomTree Global Automotive Innovators UCITS ETF USD Acc |
IE00BGV5VR99 | Xtrackers Future Mobility UCITS ETF 1C |
LU2376679564 | Xtrackers Harvest MSCI China Tech 100 UCITS ETF 1C |
IE000YDOORK7 | Xtrackers MSCI Fintech Innovation UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE000XOQ9TK4 | Xtrackers MSCI Next Generation Internet Innovation UCITS ETF 1C USD Acc |
IE000PMX0MW6 | Amundi S&P Global Utilities ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Acc |
IE00052T92P8 | Amundi S&P Global Utilities ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR Inc |
FR0010527275 | Amundi MSCI Water ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist |
IE00B1TXK627 | iShares Global Water UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BMDH1538 | VanEck Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF A USD |
Welche Premium Welt und Emerging Markets ETF könnten denn auch 2025 interessant sein?
Es gibt natürlich noch immer einige Welt ETFs als Premium ETFs. Viele davon haben einen Nachhaltigkeitszusatz in Form von ESG oder SRI.
- FR0010315770 Amundi MSCI World II UCITS ETF Dist
- IE000BI8OT95 Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF DR USD Acc
- LU1781541179 Amundi MSCI World V UCITS ETF Acc
- IE0003XJA0J9 Amundi Prime All Country World UCITS ETF Acc
- IE0009HF1MK9 Amundi Prime All Country World UCITS ETF Inc
- IE00BYYHSQ67 iShares MSCI World Quality Dividend ESG UCITS ETF USD (Dist)
- IE00BDZZTM54 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist)
- IE00BNG8L278 Vanguard ESG Global All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating
- IE00BNG8L385 Vanguard ESG Global All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing
- IE00BGHQ0G80 Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C
Wer sich gerne Emerging Markets in das Depot legen möchte, der könnte mitunter hier fündig werden:
- IE000KPJJWM6 Vanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap UCITS ETF USD Acc
- IE0001VXZTV7 Vanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap UCITS ETF USD Inc
- IE00B3F81G20 iShares MSCI EM Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist)
- IE00B48X4842 SPDR® MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap UCITS ETF
- IE00BQZJBM26 WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF
Auch der heilige Amumbo ist noch immer Teil der Premium ETFs:
- FR0010755611 Amundi ETF Leveraged MSCI USA Daily UCITS ETF
Auch die DADAT Bank als auch die easybank bieten interessante ETF Sparpläne an. Die DADAT Bank bietet 130 ETFs ohne Ausführungsgebühr an und die easybank 100 ETFs. Bei beiden sind weltweit und breit gestreute ETFs bei diesen Sparplänen ohne Ausführungsgebühr dabei. Der Sparplan Vergleich zeigt es auf.
Auf diesem Chart sieht man die Entwicklung der Ausführungskosten in Euro nach Sparrate bei den steuereinfachen Brokern:
Bei beiden ist es besonders, dass auch sehr gängige ETFs ohne Ausführungsgebühr zu haben sind. Hier ein paar Beispiele:
ISIN | Name |
IE00B4L5Y983 | iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BKM4GZ66 | iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) |
IE00BK5BQT80 | Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF – (USD) Accumulating |
LU1829220216 | Amundi MSCI All Country World UE EUR Acc |
IE00B441G979 | iShares MSCI World EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) |
IE00B0M62Q58 | iShares MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Dist) |
IE00BJ0KDQ92 | Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1C |
LU1681045370 | Amundi I.S. MSCI Emerging Markets UE EUR |
LU1681045024 | Amundi Index Solutions MSCI EM Latin America UE EUR |
IE00BTJRMP35 | Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 1C |
ISIN | Name |
IE000716YHJ7 | Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF |
IE00BK5BR626 | FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating |
IE00B8GKDB10 | FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing |
IE00BGHQ0G80 | Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BJ0KDQ92 | Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00BTJRMP35 | Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 1C |
IE00B3RBWM25 | FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing |
IE00BK5BQT80 | FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating |
- Die gesamte Liste gibt es hier zum Filtern: Die Premium Sparplan Liste
- Die Premium ETF Sparplan Liste ungefiltert auf
- mehr über das Flatex Depot
- Über 140 Erfahrungsberichte zu Flatex
- zum Online Broker Vergleich
Der IE00BFMXXD54 Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD Accumulation ist auch als Premium ETF angeführt.
Ist der jetzt erst dazu gekommen und inder Listen durchgerutscht, bzw bleib der so im 2025?
Hier geht es um die Premium ETF Sparplan Liste. Du schreibst von Premium ETF. Das ist leicht verwirrend.
Insgesamt sehe ich ihn nicht auf der Premium ETF Sparplan Liste und auch nicht in der Vergangenheit.